Certificate for Excellence 2017
We are pleased to announce that Café Restaurant Treff has been awarded with a certificate for Excellence 2017.
This award is based on the positive feedbacks that we received on TripAdvisor. It has already been given for the seventh time this year, honoring companies from the hospitality industry who received great reviews on TripAdvisor last year. The winners of a certificate for excellence include accommodations, restaurants and attractions all over the world, which have offered their guests a high-quality experience.
"The Award for the Excellence recognizes hospitality companies that have consistently received great praise and high ratings from travelers," said Heather Leisman, Vice President of Industry Marketing, TripAdvisor. "With this award, travelers can recognize and book companies that offer a consistently great service."
The Certificate of Excellence takes into account the quality, quantity and timeliness of evaluations submitted by travelers on a period of twelve months. Only companies with a score of at least four out of five, with a certain number of assessments and which have been registered for at least 12 months on TripAdvisor are awarded with a certificate of excellence. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our guests and staff!